A Walk Down Memory Lane - 2017 to 2021

I’m dealing with a sore throat that hurts right now, and I thought making collages would be a good idea to take my mind off the pain. I was looking through my album and stumbled upon some old pics from my time living abroad in Hanoi and Taipei (and even a random one from 2017 Japan!). They brought back some memorable moments from that time period, and I wish I had more of my old pics available. Some of them were lost due to device or account transfers and I’m hoping to be able to recover at least some of those lost pics one day. Hope you enjoy the ones I have kept. They mark very important moments and growth periods in my life!

From top left down, then top right down: a peek at my kitchen garden in Hanoi 2019 (loving that Ghibli vibe!), at a tea shop in Tokyo November 2018, another angle of my kitchen in Hanoi circa 2019, the showcase shelves featuring my beloved plants in the same flat — Hanoi 2019, view from my bed in the same flat (guess which drama I was watching?), me upon arrival at Narita International Airport, Tokyo in April 2017. It had been a long flight there from Da Nang, Vietnam, and I was tired yet so happy to be able to visit Japan.

Another angle of my Hanoi kitchen 2019, at a bar with a killer view of Taipei 101 tower — drinking to that! — May 2019, view of Taipei 101 from the same bar, Hanoi’s crazy motorbike traffic around 2019, skyline view of Taipei May 2019, my balcony plants from the same flat in Hanoi 2019. I became obsessed with houseplants shortly after I moved into that flat, and got a bunch of plants that became my green pets. Spent way too much time researching plants and how to take care of them, but it was a worthwhile experience and their beauty brought me much joy.


College and the years from 2011 to 2016.


A Sunny Day in Philadelphia