Happy Anniversary

Last weekend marked the one year anniversary of my arrival here in Philadelphia. I walked around the city to celebrate and commemorate the journey from California to Philadelphia, and took some great shots as well!

Collage of my exploration in Philadelphia from January ‘til now! Kimmel Center, Independence Park walkway, Magnolia Garden, and the bouquet of flowers at the Barnes Foundation reception desk.

I remember the first day I arrived here in March of 2023. It was cold and windy that day, and I had just left Asbury, KY where it was pouring. The weather was tempestuous on the flight here, and I wasn’t sure what I would encounter when I got to Philadelphia.

I disembarked from my plane and walked around Philadelphia Airport to look for a luggage store as my carry-on needed to be replaced. After I bought a new carry-on and transferred my belongings into it, I was onto my next mission: finding a place to stay here.

I had left Sacramento not knowing where I was to stay permanently, and after much prayer, was led to settle in Philadelphia.

By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going.
— Hebrews 11:8

I found an AirBnB in Wynnefield, and was so exhausted from the long flight and all the errands that I was worried I’d miss my stop when taking the bus to the AirBnB. Walking around in the freezing wind with luggage would be no fun, and I was so grateful that the bus I took to my AirBnB had a stop announcing screen!

My first impressions of Philadelphia included navigating the huge International Airport (great travel hub - check), waiting for the bus by the Schuylkill River (gothic-looking buildings and city vibe - check), and walking past homes that seemed to have been built recently yet were already showing signs of disrepair (Wynnefield, what is going on?).

The weather in Philly that day was windy and cold, but still a tad warmer than Asbury, Kentucky where I flew in from, and anything was better than sprawling Kentucky at that point.

Having visited and lived in cities such as NYC, D.C., Tokyo, Taipei, Frankfurt, Nice, and Seoul, I was accustomed to walkable cities and the cultural amenities that came with them. It made living in California dull and colorless in comparison to the many sights and sceneries I got to experience while living and traveling abroad.

I wasn’t sure how Philadelphia would compare to the many cities I’ve lived in or visited in the past. But one year in, I have to say: Philly has pleasantly surprised me in many ways.

I love the walkability, the art museums, music venues and productions, and the gardens. I have never visited so many gardens before I came here, and it’s all because Philadelphia has so many beautiful gardens and arboretums throughout the city and the surrounding areas!

Centennial Park, Fairmount Horticulture Center, and the Catholic Fountain of Abstinence.

Magnolia Garden, Cherry Blossoms and Magnolias at Fairmount Park.

The demographic of Philadelphia is definitely different than what I was used to in California, but that too has been a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed meeting and getting to know people I normally wouldn’t come into contact with in California or abroad. The city has a way of smashing everyone together through the many cultural venues and city amenities that we all share, and I met people from all different backgrounds through my exploration of Philadelphia.

A couple weeks ago, I was walking past the 30th street station when I turned the corner and realized that I was approaching the bus stop where I waited for my very first bus ride in Philadelphia. I smiled and thanked God for counseling me and directing my steps in the way in which I am to go — glad in the fact that God has never failed me when I trusted in Him.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.
— Psalm 32:8


A Sunny Day in Philadelphia


Cherry and Me