“Renew My Strength, and Sustain Me”

A Walk about Town

Enjoying a beautiful day in Philly. Can you guess where?

Today was a beautiful day in Philly. Low to mid 70s, sunny, clear skies with a breeze. Just like San Diego in the springtime! I was practicing My Linh style kung Fu today by the Schuylkill River, and felt inspired to share with you some of the ways that I’ve found helpful for restoring one’s lifeforce and free will.

I’ve found that simple yoga poses while breathing normally or deeply work well to build strength, stability, and reasonable flexibility. No need for fancy breath work. Just yoga stances and stretches while breathing normally or deeply will help. I like to do the sun salutations with the child's pose, warrior I, warrior II, half forward bend, dancing warrior, and also neck stretches at the end of the yoga session.

It’s important to pray to God before each yoga session to set the intention and consecrate your movements. I usually pray that God will help me to exercise my discernment to do the things that are profitable and good for me and for God’s people, to gain optimal outcomes for God and God’s people and for myself.

After the yoga session, I like to use a practice that I developed by using some Tai Chi movements to “move the lifeforce” that exists in the outer world. This is not the same as practicing Qiqong or moving the energy inside one’s body. This is simply using your mind and intention, and allowing God’s wisdom to help you find where to move the lifeforce that exists in the outer world so that it can renew the spiritual cleanliness of a place and to all people who repent.

Give it a try — it might work for you!


A Tale of Two Rivers


Hoang My Linh